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Otro juego/ other game

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 2:14 am
by luisvasquezcl
Hola nuevamente,
ahora les dejo otro juego que hice, se llama solitario. Yo creo que muchos lo deben conocer.
Espero les agrade y se diviertan.
saludos cordiales,
Luis Vasquez.

Hi again
now I leave another game I did called solitaire. I believe that many will need to know.
I hope you like and have fun.
best regards,

Re: Otro juego/ other game

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 3:27 am
by Pablo César
Muy buen diseño pero no entiendo como jugarlo... :(

Re: Otro juego/ other game

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:42 am
by bpd2000
Thanks for sharing
How to play

Re: Otro juego/ other game

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 2:24 pm
by serge_girard
Very nice! But I don't now the rules nor the game. How does it work?


Re: Otro juego/ other game

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 11:48 am
by esgici
Pablo César wrote:I do not understand how to play
bpd2000 wrote:How to play
serge_girard wrote:But I don't now the rules nor the game. How does it work?
Rules of the game is quite simple :
A game board with 33 holes in cross form is given. 32 pegs are in.
The central hole is empty.
You have to remove the pegs one after the other by jumping horizontally or vertically over one.
In the end should be only one peg left .
Exactly (except UI ) same as this.

But sadly this prg doesn't work as expected ( don't accept any attempt ( click, drag, press a key etc ) to move a peg ) :(

Either dear Luis made a joke or I'm a clumsy :cry:

Anyway, viva HMG and supporters :D

Re: Otro juego/ other game

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 5:09 pm
by Javier Tovar
Gracias Luis por compartir!

Re: Otro juego/ other game

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:04 am
by luisvasquezcl
Hola amigos,

aqui dejo las reglas
Se juega sobre un tablero con forma de cruz compuesto por tres filas y tres columnas entrecruzadas perpendicularmente, cada una con 7 espacios de largo (que pueden ser intersecciones o escaques, dependiendo del diseño). El tablero de juego tiene en total 33 lugares. El jugador consta de 32 piezas. Al inicio del juego están todos los espacios ocupados, excepto por el del centro. El jugador debe mover una pieza por vez. Las piezas sólo pueden moverse capturando mediante un "salto" sobre otra, como en las damas. Sólo se puede capturar ortogonalmente, nunca en diagonal. Así, al principio, sólo 4 piezas tienen posibilidad de moverse, capturando una. El objetivo del juego es eliminar todas las piezas, dejando sólo una en el tablero, preferiblemente en el centro.

Hello friends,
here I leave the rules
Is played on a board with a cross made ​​up of three rows and three columns intersecting at right angles, each with seven long spaces (which may be intersections or squares, depending on the design). The game board has a total of 33 places. The player has 32 pieces. At the beginning of the game are all occupied spaces, except for the center. The player must move one piece at a time. The pieces can only move captured by a "jump" over another, as in checkers. You can only capture orthogonally, never diagonally. So, at first, only 4 pieces are able to move, capturing one. The aim of the game is to eliminate all pieces, leaving only one on the board, preferably in the center.

Re: Otro juego/ other game

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:09 am
by luisvasquezcl
Hola Esgici,
:lol: tienes razón, tendría que haber puesto alguna ayuda para jugar.
Realmente es muy fácil; haces clic sobre la ficha que vas a mover y luego clic sobre la celda vacía. mueve la ficha y saca sobre la que saltaste.
eso es todo.
saludos cordiales,
Luis Vasquez

Hello Esgici,
:lol: You're right, I should have put some support to play.
It really is very easy, you click on the tab that you move and then click on the empty cell. tab and pull moves on you jumped.
That's it.
best regards,
Luis vasquez

Re: Otro juego/ other game

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:14 am
by esgici
luisvasquezcl wrote: It really is very easy, you click on the tab that you move and then click on the empty cell. tab and pull moves on you jumped.
Dear Luis

Tried, but not succeed :(

: Click once peg to move, and than click to empty cell to move; is this correct :?:

May be differences between OS /HMG ?

I'm using Win7 Ultm. and HMG 3.1.5 patch 2

Saludos cordiales :D

Re: Otro juego/ other game

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:08 am
by esgici
Hola Luis

I have another bad news :

Executable sent by you in the compressed file worked fine :o

( I don't like executable come via internet nor run its, so run newly :( )

Definitely there is one ( or more ) differences between our working environment or materials :(

Saludos cordiales :D