HMG 3.1.3

HMG Unicode versions 3.1.x related

Moderator: Rathinagiri

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HMG 3.1.3

Post by Rathinagiri »

I am so happy to announce the release of new test version of HMG Unicode. There are many new features, updates, enhancements and fixes. Please test and give your feedback. Credit of this release goes to Dr. Claudio Soto in full.

The main feature of this release is the IDE_Unicode version.

You can download the new version from sourceforge website. The link is given below: ... urce=files

Alternatively, you can download from the HMGForum Site also. The link is here

Change log

Code: Select all

-HMG 3.1.3 (Test) 2013/05/09
   - New IDE_Unicode Test Version (Contributed by Dr. Claudio Soto)
   - New TimePicker control. Please see DOC\data\TimePicker.htm for more details) (Contributed by Dr. Claudio Soto)
      - New Time-related functions
         - HMG_TimeToValue()
         - HMG_ValueToTime()
         - HMG_TimeToTime()
         - HMG_IsTimeAMPM()
   - New MsgDebug() function to display Debugging information (Contributed by Dr. Claudio Soto)
   - New functions to check Unicode support (Contributed by Dr. Claudio Soto)    
      - HMG_SupportUnicode()
   - New ANSI string functions for Unicode string functions: (Contributed by Dr. Claudio Soto)
       ANSI/UNICODE                ONLY ANSI
       ------------                ---------
       HMG_ISALPHA()         <=>   ISALPHA()
       HMG_ISDIGIT()         <=>   ISDIGIT()
       HMG_ISLOWER()         <=>   ISLOWER()
       HMG_ISUPPER()         <=>   ISUPPER()
   - New Functions/Commands for better program control. With these commands we can avoid re-entry while processing the events of a control or window allowing the use of other controls/functions that generate messages of re-called of events (Contributed by Dr. Claudio Soto)
      - DISABLE [ CONTROL ] EVENT ControlName OF FormName
      - ENABLE  [ CONTROL ] EVENT ControlName OF FormName
      - StopControlEventProcedure ( cControlName, cFormName, lStop )
      - DISABLE [ WINDOW ] EVENT OF FormName
      - ENABLE  [ WINDOW ] EVENT OF FormName
      - StopWindowEventProcedure ( cFormName, lStop )
      - GetLastActiveFormIndex ()       --> Return nFormIndex
      - GetLastActiveControlIndex ()    --> Return nControlIndex
   - New Samples/Grid.40 Demo showing the functionality of new GridEx and TimePicker Control features (Contributed by Dr. Claudio Soto)  
   - Enhanced Grid control properties/methods (see HMG_UNICODE in Documentation for more details) (Contributed by Dr. Claudio Soto)
      - Set/Get Properties: ColumnCOUNT, ColumnHEADER( nColIndex ), ColumnWIDTH( nColIndex ), ColumnJUSTIFY( nColIndex ), ColumnCONTROL( nColIndex ), ColumnDYNAMICBACKCOLOR( nColIndex ), ColumnDYNAMICFORECOLOR( nColIndex ), ColumnVALID( nColIndex ), ColumnWHEN( nColIndex ), ColumnONHEADCLICK( nColIndex ), ColumnDISPLAYPOSITION( nColIndex )
         - New CellEx property for faster access to Grid Cells.
         - New BackGroundImage ( nAction, cPicture, nRow, nCol ) 
         - New CellNavigationColor colors and display mode in GRID cell navigation mode:
      - New Methods: 
         - AddColumnEx ( [ nColIndex ],[ cCaption ],[ nWidth ],[ nJustify ],[aColumnControl] )
         - AddItemEx ( aItem, nRow )
         - AddColumn, AddColumnEx and DeleteColumn properties DO NOT clean the Grid (NOT Delete all items), for compatibility with old behavior of ADDCOLUMN and DELETECOLUMN use:
            - SET GridDeleteAllItems [ TRUE|ON ] | [ FALSE|OFF ]
            - IsGridDeleteAllItems() --> Return .T. or .F.
   - Updated to latest Harbour Nightly Build (2013-05-08)
   - Updated HMG Documentation (Contributed by Dr. Claudio Soto)    
   - Upgraded MsgBox, MsgExclamation, MsgInfo, MsgOkCancel, MsgRetryCancel, MsgStop, MsgYesNo Functions (Contributed by Dr. Claudio Soto)
      - Now these functions accept as a parameter any data type or an array of any data type
   - Removed GridEx from HFCL as it is merged to HMG main source (Contributed by Dr. Claudio Soto)
   - Fixed Bugs (Contributed by Dr. Claudio Soto)
      - Bug in Define/Release Menu (Reported by Marek)
      - Bug in Numeric Textbox with Euro symbol (Reported by Mustafa)
      - Increment Bitmap Handle with load PNG image (Reported by Grigory)
      - Value property of Textbox control (Reported by Daniel Maximiliano, Ed-Steed and AidTIC)
      - Undefined reference to HMG_UPPER(), HMG_LEN() and HMG_LOWER() with compile for support ANSI character set (Reported by Danny)
      - Bug in behaviour of HMG_PADL() and HMG_PADR() (Reported by Carlos Britos)    
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Re: HMG 3.1.3 (Test)

Post by chrisjx2002 »

Thanks for this new version ;)
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Re: HMG 3.1.3 (Test)

Post by CalScot »

Despite it being nearly 3:00am here, I couldn't wait to see the new TimePicker control, but it's giving me a problem:

As part of the definition, I have


But when I compile, it gives me "Error BASE/1003 Variable does not exist: ARIAL"

Am I doing something stupid because it's so late and I'm so tired, or...?

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Re: HMG 3.1.3 (Test)

Post by bpd2000 »

Thank you Mr. Rathi & Dr. Claudio Soto for your contribution and new version
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Re: HMG 3.1.3 (Test)

Post by danielmaximiliano »

Gracias Rathi por la buena nueva y todo el esfuerzo en HMG

Rathi Thanks for the good news and all the effort in HMG

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Re: HMG 3.1.3 (Test)

Post by danielmaximiliano »

Gracias Dr. Claudio Soto por todo el tiempo, esfuerzo y conocimiento aportado a HMG.
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(¸.·´. (¸.·` *
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Re: HMG 3.1.3 (Test)

Post by dhaine_adp »

Hi Rathi and Dr. Claudio,

Thanks for the bug fixes and updates.



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Re: HMG 3.1.3 (Test)

Post by Rathinagiri »

CalScot wrote:Despite it being nearly 3:00am here, I couldn't wait to see the new TimePicker control, but it's giving me a problem:

As part of the definition, I have


But when I compile, it gives me "Error BASE/1003 Variable does not exist: ARIAL"

Am I doing something stupid because it's so late and I'm so tired, or...?

You have to enter like this.

Code: Select all

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Pablo César
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HMG 3.1.3 (Test)

Post by Pablo César »

Many thanks to you Dr. Soto and Rathinagiri for a new release, but there is still a pendings points:
rathinagiri wrote:
Pablo César wrote:Dear Rathinagiri,

I am still without your return my questions of these:
Pablo César wrote:Dear Rathinagiri, thank you for this new release but basically in this version are applied modifications of UNICODE adjustments but regarding Build.bat in samples, Build.bat at HMG main folder, ComboSearchBox, AutoAdjust sample/library and QHTM library have It been included or not yet ?
Please also note to update in next release, version.txt file was not updated. In this last one version.txt should contains "3.1.2 (Test 2013-04-04)".
Hi Pablo,

Your point is well taken. In the next version I will do the needful. I am sure it follows soon.
In this new release, have not been icluded these pendings... :cry: Probably these demands should be registered in another topic to remind for next releases... or being described here below, it will take better understanding (ones again):

1. Build.bat in samples, this is needing to change Build.bat file at each sample folders in order to ceases to be essential for the first parameter when run it not at Command Prompt. In other words, means with this suggested changing at Build.bat, then the first parameter will be not essential:
[tr][td]Actual Build.bat at samples folders[/td][td]Recommended New Build.bat[/td][/tr][tr][td]call ..\..\..\build.bat %*[/td][td]@Echo off[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td]if "%1"=="" Goto WithOutPar[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td]Set MainFile=%1[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td]Goto Continue[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]:WithOutPar[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td]for /R %~dp0%~1 %%f in (*.hbp) do (Set MainFile="%%~nf")[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td]Goto Continue[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]:Continue[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td]call ..\..\..\build.bat %MainFile%[/td][/tr][/table]

2. Build.bat at HMG main folder, this proposed is an important question each time we need to use Debug option. Normally we found problems we use debug option upto the problem be solved, then no more is required. But each time we need to used it thru IDE compiling, we need to pass before in "Reset Project Incremental Data". This menu IDE option, attends for normal rebuilding and for rebuild with "debug" option.
[tr][td]Actual Build.bat at main HMG folder[/td] [td]Recommended New Build.bat[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]rem ***************************************[/td]
[td]rem ***************************************[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]rem ***************************************[/td]
[td]rem ***************************************[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]if exist build.log del build.log[/td]
[td]if exist build.log del build.log[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]if exist error.log del error.log[/td]
[td]if exist error.log del error.log[/td][/tr]
[td]if exist init.cld del init.cld[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]rem ***************************************[/td]
[td]rem ***************************************[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]rem SET HMGPATH[/td]
[td]rem SET HMGPATH[/td][/tr][/table]

3. ComboSearchBox, this is a missing combobox (box last) line, see picture below:
Screen65.PNG (16.33 KiB) Viewed 20309 times
4. AutoAdjust sample with complementary functions. As picture shows:
Screen64.PNG (30.38 KiB) Viewed 20309 times
5. QHTM library sample and QHTM library which is a Gipsysoft free version product that it has all of the features which you are allowed to use for HTML and images files are part of the resources so no external files are needed. Here in attached file in Library package to be added at C:\hmg...\hfcl\Source: click fo downloading library files

6. Right path at HMG installation package at this last version (3.1.3) is suggesting a wrong version which can make confuse for some user, as shows picture below:
Screen70.PNG (18.39 KiB) Viewed 20309 times
7. forgotten to include the Dynamic Menu demo at samples folder.

Sorry to insist, dears colleagues Rathinagiri and Dr. Soto, but I whish to see to be included these suggesting changing and libraries for the next realease. It could be, please ?

Note: Please considere most of all itens here was corrected, as showing in this topic
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Re: HMG 3.1.3 (Test)

Post by Rathinagiri »

Sorry Pablo. :(

Once Claudio had shared the new source code, I had went on for the new version.

I will change these accordingly and re-distribute the version in one or two days. Thanks a lot for reporting.
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