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GRID does not respect COLUMNCONTROLS

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:09 pm
by mol
I've tested COLUMNCONTROLS with numeric columns and it looks the format of numbers declared in ColumnControls is ignored, but grid always displays number of decimals straight database:

Code: Select all

displays the same as

Code: Select all

 {'TEXTBOX','NUMERIC','$ 999,999.9999'}
when field in database is declared as N 12.3
You always get number as: 999,999.999


Re: GRID does not respect COLUMNCONTROLS

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:01 pm
by esgici
Hello Marek

I have two news for you, one is bad other is good ;)

First good news : I'm thinking to make relax at weekends like you; so forget problems ;)

And than the bad news is : your GRID COLUMNCONTROLS problem is related to array-table differences in GRID :(

You are welcome to my club :D



Column Controls Problem in GRID
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Re: GRID does not respect COLUMNCONTROLS

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:12 pm
by mol
I can wait for more advanced grid.
I'm still using browse because of it stability.
