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Pasting Problem with Numeric Textbox

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:43 am
by sudip
Hello Roberto,

I found problem when I am trying to paste numeric data with decimal point into a numeric text box having decimal point (eg., 999999.9999)

Is there any solution?

Thanks in advance :)

Re: Pasting Problem with Numeric Textbox

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:08 am
by esgici
Hi Sudip

Added a second label-textbox pair to your code for showing how work copy-paste.

Please try and decide your-self this is a bug or not.

Code: Select all

function CalcBasic()
   local mRow := 0
   private isinit := .f.
   if isWindowDefined(CalcBasic)
      domethod("calcbasic", "setfocus")
      return nil
   DEFINE WINDOW calcbasic ;
      AT 0,0               ;
      WIDTH 400            ;
      HEIGHT 300           ;
      TITLE 'Calculate basic rate from net rate after VAT'   ;
      mrow := 10
      define label netratelabel
         row mrow
         col 20
         value "Net Rate:"
      end label
      define textbox netrate
         row mrow
         col 170
         datatype numeric
         value 1.1
         inputmask "99999.9999"
         width 100
         onchange calc_basic()
      end textbox
      mrow += 30
      define label vatratelabel
         row mrow
         col 20
         value "VAT %:"
      end label
      define textbox vatrate
         row mrow
         col 170
         datatype numeric
         value 2.2
         inputmask "99.99"
         width 50
         onchange calc_basic()
      end textbox
      define label label1
         row mrow
         col 225
         value "%"
      end label      
      mrow += 30
      define label rofflabel
         row mrow
         col 20
         value "Decimal Pt.:"
      end label
      define spinner roff
         row mrow
         col 170
         width 40
         rangemax 4
         rangemin 0
         value 4
         onchange calc_basic()
      end spinner
      mrow += 30
      define label basicratelabel
         row mrow
         col 20
         value "Basic Rate:"
      end label
      define label basicrate
         row mrow
         col 170
         width 100
         alignment right
         fontbold .t.
      end label
      mrow += 30
      define label lblPasted
         row mrow
         col 20
         width 150
         alignment left
         fontbold .t.
         Value "'Paste' button for paste :"
      end label
      define textbox txbPasted
         row mrow
         col 170
         width 100
         datatype numeric
         inputmask "99.9999"
      end textbox

      mrow += 30
      define label lblPasted2
         row mrow
         col 20
         width 120
         alignment left
         fontbold .t.
         Value "Shift+Ins for paste"
      end label
      define textbox txbPasted2
         row mrow
         col 170
         width 100
      end textbox
      mrow += 50      
      define button copy
         row mrow
         col 70
         width 120
         caption "&Copy to Clipboard"
         action {|| System.clipboard := calcbasic.basicrate.value }
      end button 
      define button paste
         row mrow
         col 200
         width 120
         caption "&Past from Clipboard"
         action ( calcbasic.txbPasted.value := VAL( System.clipboard  ) ) // PasteValue() 
      end button 
   isinit := .t.
   ON KEY ESCAPE OF calcbasic ACTION calcbasic.release()
   CENTER WINDOW calcbasic
   ACTIVATE WINDOW calcbasic

static function Calc_basic()
   if !isinit
      return nil
   calcbasic.txbPasted.value := 0
   calcbasic.basicrate.value := str(round((calcbasic.netrate.value*100)/(100+calcbasic.vatrate.value), ;
   return nil           



Re: Pasting Problem with Numeric Textbox

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:12 am
by esgici
I noticed after sent my previous post that you are talk to Roberto.

Sorry if my response disturbed you.




Re: Pasting Problem with Numeric Textbox

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:27 am
by sudip
Hello Brother Esgici,

I am very much happy to talk to you :D

Thanks a lot for your help. It works fine. :D

But, I found problem with common copy-and-paste using Ctrl+V, not by using value property of numeric textbox.
How I tested:
1. Copy (using Ctrl+C or System.clipboard := ...) any numerical value (eg., 88,89) to clipboard from anywhere (eg., from Notepad).
2. Now set focus to any of your existing app's numeric textbox control having decimal point picture, eg., "999999.9999".
3. Now use Ctrl+V to paste the value from windows clip board.

In my case, I found problem.

(I reported this problem in BUG Reports section, because I think it will be easier for Roberto to find it from here. As he is very busy, he may not have time to see the problem in Help Section, where I first asked help for this problem.)

I understand the code I posted in Help Section is mis-leading. Problem is general, not related to the specific code. Sorry :(

Thank you again for your help :)

Re: Pasting Problem with Numeric Textbox

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:54 am
by esgici
Dear Sudip

Though our friend Rathi noticed already in respond to your previous topic,
Rathi wrote:The numeric textbox accepts only numeric values. But clipboard text is character type
you are talking about "bug" for a normal behavior.

If you want (manually or by code) "paste" a value form clipboard to any control, you need have a control accepting "char" type data.

If you want pasting by code, you can convert char type data to numeric by VAL() function ("txbPasted" in sample).

If you want your "invaluable" user have ability to pasting manually, you have give him/her a char type control ("txbPasted2" in sample) and later convert it to numeric any way you like.

I you want a text box for numeric data and accept char type data, you have write your own "wizard" control. No kidding, this is possible and probably not difficult, but in my opinion this will be an needless and confusing feature.

Sorry for my blab; you know old men talk much ;)




Re: Pasting Problem with Numeric Textbox

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:44 pm
by sudip

Re: Pasting Problem with Numeric Textbox

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:47 pm
by esgici