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Re: The last novice

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 3:29 pm
by mol
Don Roberto... It sounds dignified :-)

Re: The last novice

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 4:34 pm
by BeGeS
Roberto Lopez wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:58 pm Soy mayor que vos, así que el tratamiento de 'Don' es el correcto :D

([( :mrgreen: )])

Re: The last novice

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 1:01 pm
by EduardoLuis
Hi friends.-
I must agree with Mol, this concern is no about age, what BeGes want to say as Roberto is "Don", it's a recognition, and honor.-
I also agree with that ("Don" ® BeGes).-
With regards.

Re: The last novice

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 1:15 pm
by BeGeS
EduardoLuis wrote: Mon Jul 31, 2017 1:01 pm Hi friends.-
I must agree with Mol, this concern is no about age, what BeGes want to say as Roberto is "Don", it's a recognition, and honor.-
I also agree with that ("Don" ® BeGes).-
With regards.
Por supuesto que no tiene nada que ver con la edad, sino con un tratamiento de respeto. :geek:

Mis maestros siempre llevaban el “don” delante, y tal sigue siendo mi uso y costumbre.

Como dato curioso, en los pueblos de por aquí el “don” era propio del maestro, el médico y el sacerdote. Y en el foro tenemos a don Claudio, de modo que ya solo nos falta un cura. :lol: :lol: :lol:

P.D.: ¿Qué quieres decir con ("Don" ® BeGes) ? :?:

Re: The last novice

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 1:27 pm
by BeGeS
(Ahora en ¿inglés? No sé yo... :roll: )

Of course it has nothing to do with age, but with a treatment of respect. :geek:

My teachers always had the "don" in front, and this is still my use and custom.

As a curious fact, in the villages around here the "don" was typical of the teacher, the doctor and the priest. And in the forum we have don Claudio, so that we are only missing a presbyter. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: The last novice

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 3:40 pm
by EduardoLuis
Hi BeGes:

Just forgive me, but mostly we write in english because is a conventional way to comunicate between members that don't write or speak in it's language.-
Perhaps this is not a pleasent way to comunicate for someone, but everybody writes or read english language.- Just that.-
As you've notice i'm an argentinian citizen, so my natural language is spanish, but for respect to my other colleagues i must make my high effort to comunicate with them in english.-
Again i must agree with you, it's a fact of respect.-
With regards.

Re: The last novice

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 8:22 pm
by BeGeS
Please, Eduardo, do not be so serious, ¡carajo! :(

This is "MY" self introduction and that is why the tone should be funny, joke and good mood.

Technical matters will be treated with rigor, but I will never lose my smile. :D

The rules of english I have known since before entering the forum and I agree to 100%. The fact that the spanish-speaking community is broad is lucky, but even if only one member needed english (provided he was not english, eh? :twisted: ), that language would have to be used.

I say that it is fortunate that many of us have spanish as our mother tongue because we are dealing here with abstract questions that can be difficult to explain in a language that is not mastered (I do not know english). Therefore, after exposing it in english as God gives us to understand, we will feel comforted by asking in spanish knowing that others will be able to get the message clearly.

Recibe un afectuoso saludo. ;)


Re: The last novice

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 9:25 pm
by EduardoLuis
Estimado Bernardo:

Tu tienes mucha razón, y no la pongo en duda.- Acuerdo contigo en que en temas específicamente técnicos referirnos a ellos en nuestras lenguas natales podría dificultar la comprensión por quienes no las hablan.- En mi caso y quizás el tuyo y de otros miembros, como el inglés no es nuestra lengua nativa, implique un esfuerzo mayor al intentar dar a entender nuestras ideas a otros.- Pero, el esfuerzo por hacernos entender, aunque fuera en una lengua no natal, vale la pena, sobre todo por la calidad de "gente" de los miembros de este fabuloso foro.-
Comparto tu optimismo y la forma en que buscas quitarle rigorismo al tema del lenguaje.- Y tambien comparto tu "carajo". :D :D :D :D :D
Nuevamente, Bernardo estoy a tu disposición para ayudarte o solicitarte ayuda en este fantástico y asombroso laberinto de HMG.-
Un cordial saludo.

Re: The last novice

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 9:59 pm
by BeGeS
Muchas gracias, lo mismo te digo. ;)

Respecto al entorno gráfico solo puedo aprender, ya que es completamente nuevo para mí y ese es el motivo de mi presencia en este foro; a cambio, pongo a disposición de sus miembros mis años de experiencia en el diseño y manejo de bases de datos, por si a alguien pueda serle de utilidad.

Y en cuanto al tema del idioma, no sé por qué ha salido ese asunto... Resulta tan obvio que la lengua vehicular tiene que ser el inglés, que no hay lugar para la discusión.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Venga, vamos con ello... :) )

Thank you very much, I tell you the same thing. ;)

Regarding the graphical environment I can only learn, since it is completely new to me and that is the reason for my presence in this forum; in return, I put at the disposal of its members my years of experience in the design and management of databases, in case anyone can be of any use to them.

And as for the subject of the language, I do not know why this issue has come out... It is so obvious that the vehicular language has to be english, that there is no place for discussion.

Re: The last novice

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 1:24 am
by Roberto Lopez
BeGeS wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:44 am <...>
for SMEs) using CBASIC-86 with Access Manager in O.S. Concurrent CP/M and Concurrent DOS, all from Digital Research.
By the way... I've was a big fan of some of the Digital Research products... specially DR-DOS and GEM environment.

Last years, I've been very interested in computers history, then I've noticed about Gary Kildall (Digital Research founder) and how he missed the opportunity to be the exclusive provider of an OS for the original IBM PC. The opportunity was took by Bill Gates :)

Sometimes, a single wrong decision can change dramatically the life of a man...

For those interested:

En Español: