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Re: Converting Clipper to GUI using HMG instructions?

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:48 am
by CarlosRD
bobypoz wrote:I have been able to convert clipper to console mode windows application using HMG? But what to do then?! Where to start? I have been searching the web for answer, and have not found one I hope to find it here. I think there are a lot of people who are stuck with this problem. So, any suggestions are welcome.
hi bobypoz:

i think what you need is to convert your 16-bit applications into 32-bit graphic mode.
it takes to me some time to learn, but now it is very easy.
i found two blogs and after this forum. Here, there are very nice people who can teach you in your needs, only you need to ask.
you need to see some samples to know how HMG works, for that, follow this two links. ... g-samples/

Also, in hmg/samples, you can find a lot of .prg samples that will help you.

get encourage and good look. regards

Re: Converting Clipper to GUI using HMG instructions?

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 10:48 am
by bobypoz
I converted it into 32bit console app as raumi75 said in his blog, but do not know where to start making my 32bit console application into GUI application. What to do with say- get, how to arrange arrays?! What are the steps to take so that process would be not as painful as I think it will be.

Daniel: Yes, some fuctions are missing as this is just a part of my application. I posted it because it fills two arrays, and that is something that I do not know how to do in HMG.

Carlos: Yes, that is what I need to do. Hope that you can explain me how to do it, so it becomes easy to me. :-)

Re: Converting Clipper to GUI using HMG instructions?

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:36 pm
by Rathinagiri

First of all we must digest the fact that we are in no more in full control of the user's activities! User can do whatever he wants. He can just minimize the window and do other job. He can click any of the button at any time. So, GUI is event based. @ say became @ label. @ get became @ textbox, editbox, combobox, datepicker so on and so forth.

We draw a window. Put some controls. Write procedures for each of the user's event (like click, double click etc).

Take up your smallest project, may be having a single screen. Convert that into GUI based one. You can easily catch up the speed.

Re: Converting Clipper to GUI using HMG instructions?

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:54 pm
by danielmaximiliano
bobypoz wrote: Carlos: Yes, that is what I need to do. Hope that you can explain me how to do it, so it becomes easy to me. :-)
Translate Google

Hello Bobypoz:
The file I uploaded called EKOMP.RAR contains all the necessary files for you simply Start
migration to a 32bit application with or without GUI.
(820.38 KiB) Downloaded 609 times
If you read the blog Raumi75 friend suggest a package to use the project manager is generally called IDE (integrated development environment), this IDE is in c:\hmg.3.1.1\ide\ide.exe of HMG installation.
create you a direct access to the desktop of your operating system to have on hand when needed.

1) then doubleclick on the Access to open the IDE and to work with.
hmg.png (237.4 KiB) Viewed 14024 times
2) on the menu choose "File", "Open Project" or just press the "F2", navigate to where the file is decompressed to send you this file has to be unzipped in c:\ekomp when it enters the folder is a file called ekomp.hbp, shall select this file and open the project.

3) and can work with your project, you can open the file .Prg with just doubleclick on the tab "Module", "Project Browser" it will open the default editor Notepad + +.

4) and can work with your project, you can modify the form that contains all the controls you need, this is the main form in your application, you can have more forms if necessary, to modify the current form only has to doubleclick "ekomp.fmg" in the tab "Form".
HMGforum.png (104.17 KiB) Viewed 14024 times
as you become familiar with the IDE as Rathinagiri friend says you can create a simple project and thus learn working with HMG.
remember that in the IDE has the reference manual HMG selecting the "HELP MENU", "Reference HMG".
your browser will open in the reference manual, read "BASIC" to understand everything about HMG.

since we're here to help.

Re: Converting Clipper to GUI using HMG instructions?

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:10 pm
by bobypoz
Thank you all, you are very helpful and full of patience with me "GUI begginer"! :D

Will try Daniel, and update on the progress.

Re: Converting Clipper to GUI using HMG instructions?

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 6:13 pm
by bobypoz
Daniel, when I try to compile the file you posted, I get an error. Can you help me with this?

Re: Converting Clipper to GUI using HMG instructions?

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 6:57 pm
by danielmaximiliano
bobypoz wrote:Daniel, when I try to compile the file you posted, I get an error. Can you help me with this?
There is no error when trying to compile your application Boby
The only error that is generated when you run the EKOMP.EXE is missing from the tables.

This image attached
ekomp.png (332.2 KiB) Viewed 14006 times

Extract files in c:\ekomp
run IDE
Compile with IDE