
Utilities like DBU, Make, IDE written in HMG/ used to create HMG based applications

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Re: GenInput

Post by PeteWG »

hi Pablo

when someone is being criticized is a clear sign that he/she has gained (to whichever extent) attention. and that's a good thing.
but it wasn't my intent to criticize you. let say that i rather tried to give a suggestion to where you could turn your prolificacy, spending your learning time to a more practical and beneficial task. (and that was the intention of my proposition as it has been described in my previous post. I wish when you are done with 'geninput' you may re-think about it.)

reading your topic and your code, i really didn't fully understand what you're trying to achieve. I guessed that you're trying to compose some kind of code generator which in turn will "write" code for input windows. certainly, that's not a beginners course. ;-)
but you're not a beginner, so you obviously have to keep working on it, in seeking (as you say) of knowledge!

P.S.: I think that input window is just fine as it is, although always there is room for some improvement.

best regards and good luck!

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Pablo César
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Post by Pablo César »

Hello Pete,

There is no problem at all for me receiving criticism. Please believe me I always keep trying to let my actions clear and I have replied just to let clear what you wrote, which I've felt it was a little missunderstanding about the main goal of GenInput project. And I totally agree with you about when you said:
PeteWG wrote:when someone is being criticized is a clear sign that he/she has gained (to whichever extent) attention. and that's a good thing.
I agree with that. :)
PeteWG wrote:but it wasn't my intent to criticize you
But please, do not worry with this. At least about me. I confess that everyone could feel touched with any kind of criticism. And I only have disagreed with you when you said we are expending time... :( But now I'm quite sure your probably main reason was your did not understood the objetive of this aplication (GenInput). Probably I should rename project name, because I do not wish to giving false expectations about this my application.
PeteWG wrote:reading your topic and your code, i really didn't fully understand what you're trying to achieve
Yes, I'm understanding that. And I also concerned with others can also think in the same way.
That's my main reason for all these my replies, not because I'm upset or angry.
PeteWG wrote:I guessed that you're trying to compose some kind of code generator which in turn will "write" code for input windows. certainly, that's not a beginners course. ;-)
but you're not a beginner, so you obviously have to keep working on it, in seeking (as you say) of knowledge!
Exactly ! I think you've got it ! :)

Please note I've highlighted your above quoted text in red color, just to clarify that I always wanted to refer to "InputWindow" function (HMG library function) not as literal means of Input Windows.
Here's the problem when we use words with ambiguous meaning:

                                                            !( "InputWindow" == "Input Windows" )

Regarding GenInput app, I hope you understand that I always want to refer to this function that belongs to lib HMG:
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PeteWG wrote:P.S.: I think that input window is just fine as it is, although always there is room for some improvement.
Did you mean InputWindow (function) instead of input window :)
PeteWG wrote:best regards and good luck!
Thank you Pete ! I'm also wish to thanks the chance to clarify the missunderstood of goal of InputGen.
Many others can expect from GenInput some kind of "application generator" and this is a generator routine for InputWindow (function) which I'm concerned to be clear. :)

My best regards,
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Javier Tovar
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Re: GenInput

Post by Javier Tovar »

Hola Pablo César,

Podrías hacer un demo o escribir como se escribe la función con sus parametros?, de como utilizar ImputWindow, de acuerdo a como esta la información arriba en el anterior post. No entiendo que hace tu aplicación o como trabaja.

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Pablo César
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Post by Pablo César »

Hola Javier,

Pienso retomar este proyecto, que todavia no lo hé terminado (ultimamente, estube fuera de mi ciudad). :(

Luego en las próximas versiones, irá estar funcional. :)

La utilizacion de este aplicativo GenInput, servirá para auxiliar en la generacion de un código preparativo para llamar la funcion InputWindow.

La utilizacion de los nuevos recursos de la funcion InputWindow, está bastante ejemplificado en: este otro tópico.

Inclusive, pretendo mejorar aún más la funcion InputWindow para que reconozca tamaños, contenido y cantidad de campos cuando este sea usado de dentro de un GRID. Posibilitando una ediccion de registros en paralelo con el GRID en su ediccion. Conforme Rathinagiri há sugerido.
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Javier Tovar
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Re: GenInput

Post by Javier Tovar »

Gracias Pablo César, al rato lo reviso!

Un abrazo
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Re: GenInput

Post by Javier Tovar »

Ya lo revise Pablo César,

Excelente, creo que estaba yo en otro tema y por eso mi confusión!

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Re: GenInput

Post by Javier Tovar »

No había asimilado el potencial de InputWindows... pero ahora me parece Buenísimo!

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Pablo César
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Post by Pablo César »

Qué bueno Javier que te gustó ! :D

Espero que te sea útil en tu pregramación.
HMGing a better world
"Matter tells space how to curve, space tells matter how to move."
Albert Einstein
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