Fix: Graph using Bos Taurus

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Fix: Graph using Bos Taurus

Post by Rathinagiri »

In this post Serge mentioned about the placement of SERIEYNAMES. Now I have fixed the bug for both Bar and Line/Points charts.
Graph_Bar2D.PNG (20.54 KiB) Viewed 2064 times
Graph_Points2D.PNG (12.5 KiB) Viewed 2065 times
Graph_Lines2D.PNG (14.72 KiB) Viewed 2065 times
Please change h_graphbitmap.prg with the following code and rebuild HMG.

Code: Select all

 HMG - Harbour Windows GUI library source code

 Copyright 2002-2017 Roberto Lopez <>

 Head of HMG project:

      2002-2012 Roberto Lopez <>

      2012-2017 Dr. Claudio Soto <>

 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software
 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA (or
 visit the web site

 As a special exception, you have permission for additional uses of the text
 contained in this release of HMG.

 The exception is that, if you link the HMG library with other
 files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the resulting
 executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
 Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of linking the
 HMG library code into it.

 Parts of this project are based upon:

	"Harbour GUI framework for Win32"
 	Copyright 2001 Alexander S.Kresin <>
 	Copyright 2001 Antonio Linares <>
	www -

	"Harbour Project"
	Copyright 1999-2008,

	Copyright 2002 AJ Wos <>

  	Copyright 2001-2008 Alexander S.Kresin <>


 * (c) Alfredo Arteaga, 2001-2002 ( Original Idea )
 * (c) Grigory Filatov, 2003-2004 ( Translation for MiniGUI )
 * (c) Siri Rathinagiri, 2016 ( Adaptation for Draw in Bitmap )

#include ""

FUNCTION HMG_Graph( nWidth, nHeight, aSerieValues, cTitle, aSerieYNames, nBarDepth, nBarWidth, nSeparation, aTitleColor, nHValues, ;
                    l3DView, lShowGrid, lShowXGrid, lShowYGrid, lShowXValues, lShowYValues, lShowLegends, aSerieNames, aSerieColors, nGraphType, ;
                    lShowValues, cPicture, nLegendWindth, lNoBorder )

   LOCAL nI, nJ, nPos, nMax, nMin, nMaxBar, nDeep
   LOCAL nRange, nResH, nResV,  nWide, aPoint
   LOCAL nXMax, nXMin, nHigh, nRel, nZero, nRPos, nRNeg
   LOCAL hBitmap, hDC, BTStruct
   LOCAL nTop := 0
   LOCAL nLeft := 0
   LOCAL nBottom := nHeight
   LOCAL nRight := nWidth
   local nLabelWidth := 0, nRow := 0, nColumn := 0

         nWidth         AS NUMERIC     ,;
         nHeight        AS NUMERIC     ,;
         aSerieValues   AS ARRAY       ,;
         cTitle         AS CHARACTER   ,;
         aSerieYNames   AS ARRAY       ,;
         nBarDepth      AS NUMERIC     ,;
         nBarWidth      AS NUMERIC     ,;
         nSeparation    AS NUMERIC     ,;
         aTitleColor    AS ARRAY       ,;
         nHValues       AS NUMERIC     ,;
         l3DView        AS LOGICAL     ,;
         lShowGrid      AS LOGICAL     ,;
         lShowXGrid     AS LOGICAL     ,;
         lShowYGrid     AS LOGICAL     ,;
         lShowXValues   AS LOGICAL     ,;
         lShowYValues   AS LOGICAL     ,;
         lShowLegends   AS LOGICAL     ,;
         aSerieNames    AS ARRAY       ,;
         aSerieColors   AS ARRAY       ,;
         nGraphType     AS NUMERIC     ,;
         lShowValues    AS LOGICAL     ,;
         cPicture       AS CHARACTER   ,;
         nLegendWindth  AS NUMERIC     ,;
         lNoBorder      AS LOGICAL

   DEFAULT cTitle   := ""
   DEFAULT nSeparation     := 0
   DEFAULT cPicture := "999,999.99"
   DEFAULT nLegendWindth := 50

   If ( HMG_LEN (aSerieNames) != HMG_LEN ( aSerieValues ) ) .or. ;
      ( HMG_LEN ( aSerieNames ) != HMG_LEN ( aSerieColors ) )
      MsgHMGError("DRAW GRAPH: 'Series' / 'SerieNames' / 'Colors' arrays size mismatch. Program terminated", "HMG Error" )

   hBitmap := BT_BitmapCreateNew ( nWidth, nHeight, WHITE )
   hDC := BT_CreateDC( hBitmap, BT_HDC_BITMAP, @BTStruct )

   IF lShowGrid
      lShowXGrid := lShowYGrid := .T.

   IF nBottom <> NIL .AND. nRight <> NIL
      nHeight := nBottom - nTop / 2
      nWidth  := nRight - nLeft / 2
      nBottom -= IF( lShowYValues, 42, 32)
      nRight  -= IF( lShowLegends, 32 + nLegendWindth , 32 )
   nTop    += 1 + IF( Empty( cTitle ), 30, 44 )             // Top gap
   nLeft   += 1 + IF( lShowXValues, 80 + nBarDepth, 30 + nBarDepth )     // LEFT
   DEFAULT nBottom := nHeight - 2 - IF( lShowYValues, 40, 30 )    // Bottom
   DEFAULT nRight  := nWidth - 2 - IF( lShowLegends, 30 + nLegendWindth , 30 ) // RIGHT

   l3DView     := IF( nGraphType == POINTS, .F., l3DView )
   nDeep   := IF( l3DView, nBarDepth, 1 )
   nMaxBar := nBottom - nTop - nDeep - 5
   nResH   := nResV := 1
   nWide   := ( nRight - nLeft )* nResH / ( nMax( aSerieValues ) + 1 ) * nResH
   // Graph area
   IF ! lNoBorder
      DrawWindowBoxInBitmap( hDC, Max( 1, nTop - 44 ), Max( 1, nLeft - 80 - nBarDepth ), nHeight - 1, nWidth - 1 )

   // Back area
   IF l3DView
      DrawRectInBitmap( hDC, nTop+1, nLeft, nBottom - nDeep, nRight, WHITE )
      DrawRectInBitmap( hDC, nTop-5, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, WHITE )

   IF l3DView
      // Bottom area
      FOR nI := 1 TO nDeep+1
          DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nBottom-nI, nLeft-nDeep+nI, nBottom-nI, nRight-nDeep+nI, WHITE )
      NEXT nI

      // Lateral
      FOR nI := 1 TO nDeep
          DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nTop+nI, nLeft-nI, nBottom-nDeep+nI, nLeft-nI, SILVER )
      NEXT nI

      // Graph borders
      FOR nI := 1 TO nDeep+1
          DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nBottom-nI     ,nLeft-nDeep+nI-1 ,nBottom-nI     ,nLeft-nDeep+nI  ,GRAY )
          DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nBottom-nI     ,nRight-nDeep+nI-1,nBottom-nI     ,nRight-nDeep+nI ,BLACK )
          DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nTop+nDeep-nI+1,nLeft-nDeep+nI-1 ,nTop+nDeep-nI+1,nLeft-nDeep+nI  ,BLACK )
          DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nTop+nDeep-nI+1,nLeft-nDeep+nI-3 ,nTop+nDeep-nI+1,nLeft-nDeep+nI-2,BLACK )
      NEXT nI

      FOR nI=1 TO nDeep+2
          DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nTop+nDeep-nI+1,nLeft-nDeep+nI-3,nTop+nDeep-nI+1,nLeft-nDeep+nI-2 ,BLACK )
          DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nBottom+ 2-nI+1,nRight-nDeep+nI ,nBottom+ 2-nI+1,nRight-nDeep+nI-2,BLACK )
      NEXT nI

      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nTop         ,nLeft        ,nTop           ,nRight       ,BLACK )
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nTop- 2      ,nLeft        ,nTop- 2        ,nRight+ 2    ,BLACK )
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nTop         ,nLeft        ,nBottom-nDeep  ,nLeft        ,GRAY  )
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nTop+nDeep   ,nLeft-nDeep  ,nBottom        ,nLeft-nDeep  ,BLACK )
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nTop+nDeep   ,nLeft-nDeep-2,nBottom+ 2     ,nLeft-nDeep-2,BLACK )
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nTop         ,nRight       ,nBottom-nDeep  ,nRight       ,BLACK )
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nTop- 2      ,nRight+ 2    ,nBottom-nDeep+2,nRight+ 2    ,BLACK )
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nBottom-nDeep,nLeft        ,nBottom-nDeep  ,nRight       ,GRAY  )
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nBottom      ,nLeft-nDeep  ,nBottom        ,nRight-nDeep ,BLACK )
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nBottom+ 2   ,nLeft-nDeep-2,nBottom+ 2     ,nRight-nDeep ,BLACK )

   // Graph info

   IF !Empty(cTitle)
      DrawTextInBitmap( hDC, nTop - 30 * nResV, nLeft, cTitle, 'Arial', 12, aTitleColor, 2 )

   // Legends
   IF lShowLegends
      nPos := nTop
      FOR nI := 1 TO HMG_LEN( aSerieNames )
         DrawBarInBitmap( hDC, nRight+(8*nResH), nPos+(9*nResV), 8*nResH, 7*nResV, l3DView, 1, aSerieColors[nI] )
         DrawTextInBitmap( hDC, nPos, nRight+(20*nResH), aSerieNames[nI], 'Arial', 8, BLACK, 0 )
         nPos += 18*nResV
      NEXT nI

   // Max, Min values
   nMax := 0
   FOR nJ := 1 TO HMG_LEN(aSerieNames)
      FOR nI :=1 TO HMG_LEN(aSerieValues[nJ])
         nMax := Max( aSerieValues[nJ][nI], nMax )
      NEXT nI
   NEXT nJ
   nMin := 0
   FOR nJ := 1 TO HMG_LEN(aSerieNames)
      FOR nI :=1 TO HMG_LEN(aSerieValues[nJ])
         nMin := Min( aSerieValues[nJ][nI], nMin )
      NEXT nI
   NEXT nJ

   nXMax := IF( nMax > 0, DetMaxVal( nMax ), 0 )
   nXMin := IF( nMin < 0, DetMaxVal( nMin ), 0 )
   nHigh := nXMax + nXMin
   nMax  := Max( nXMax, nXMin )

   nRel  := ( nMaxBar / nHigh )
   nMaxBar := nMax * nRel

   nZero := nTop + (nMax*nRel) + nDeep + 5    // Zero pos
   IF l3DView
      FOR nI := 1 TO nDeep+1
          DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nZero-nI+1, nLeft-nDeep+nI   , nZero-nI+1, nRight-nDeep+nI, SILVER )
      NEXT nI
      FOR nI := 1 TO nDeep+1
          DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nZero-nI+1, nLeft-nDeep+nI-1 , nZero-nI+1, nLeft -nDeep+nI, GRAY )
          DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nZero-nI+1, nRight-nDeep+nI-1, nZero-nI+1, nRight-nDeep+nI, BLACK )
      NEXT nI
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nZero-nDeep, nLeft, nZero-nDeep, nRight, GRAY )

   aPoint := Array( HMG_LEN( aSerieNames ), HMG_LEN( aSerieValues[1] ), 2 )
   nRange := nMax / nHValues

   // xLabels
   nRPos := nRNeg := nZero - nDeep
   FOR nI := 0 TO nHValues
      IF lShowXValues
         IF nRange*nI <= nXMax
            DrawTextInBitmap( hDC, nRPos, nLeft-nDeep-70, Transform(nRange*nI, cPicture), 'Arial', 8, BLUE )
         IF nRange*(-nI) >= nXMin*(-1)
            DrawTextInBitmap( hDC, nRNeg, nLeft-nDeep-70, Transform(nRange*-nI, cPicture), 'Arial', 8, BLUE )

      IF lShowXGrid
         IF nRange*nI <= nXMax
            IF l3DView
               FOR nJ := 0 TO nDeep + 1
                  DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nRPos + nJ, nLeft - nJ - 1, nRPos + nJ, nLeft - nJ, BLACK )
               NEXT nJ
            DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nRPos, nLeft, nRPos, nRight, BLACK )
         IF nRange*-nI >= nXMin*-1
            IF l3DView
               FOR nJ := 0 TO nDeep + 1
                  DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nRNeg + nJ, nLeft - nJ - 1, nRNeg + nJ, nLeft - nJ, BLACK )
               NEXT nJ
            DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nRNeg, nLeft, nRNeg, nRight, BLACK )
      nRPos -= ( nMaxBar / nHValues )
      nRNeg += ( nMaxBar / nHValues )
   NEXT nI

   IF lShowYGrid .and. nGraphType <> BARS
      nPos:=IF(l3DView, nTop, nTop-5 )
      nI  := nLeft + nWide
      FOR nJ := 1 TO nMax(aSerieValues)
         DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nBottom-nDeep, nI, nPos, nI, COLOR_GREY41 )
         DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nBottom, nI-nDeep, nBottom-nDeep, nI, COLOR_GREY41 )
         nI += nWide

   DO WHILE .T.    // Bar adjust
      nPos = nLeft + ( nWide / 2 )
      nPos += ( nWide + nSeparation ) * ( HMG_LEN(aSerieNames) + 1 ) * HMG_LEN(aSerieValues[1])
      IF nPos > nRight

   nMin := nMax / nMaxBar

   nPos := nLeft + ( ( nWide + nSeparation ) / 2 )            // first point graph
   // nRange := ( ( nWide + nSeparation ) * HMG_LEN(aSerieNames) ) / 2 // Variable 'NRANGE' is assigned but not used in function. asistex

   IF lShowYValues .AND. HMG_LEN( aSerieYNames ) > 0                // Show yLabels
      nRow := nBottom + 8
      if nGraphType == BARS
         nColumn := nLeft + ( ( nWide + nSeparation ) / 2 )  
         nBarWidth  := ( nWide + nSeparation ) * ( HMG_LEN(aSerieNames) + 1 )
      else // points/line
         nBarWidth := ( nRight - nLeft ) / ( nMax(aSerieValues) + 1 )
         nColumn := nLeft + nBarWidth
      FOR nJ := 1 TO nMax(aSerieValues)
         DrawTextInBitmap( hDC, nRow, nColumn, aSerieYNames[nJ], 'Arial', 8, BLUE, if( nGraphType == BARS, 0, 2 ) )
         nColumn += nBarWidth

   IF lShowYGrid .and. nGraphType == BARS
      nPos := IF( l3DView, nTop, nTop-5 )
      nI  := nLeft + ( ( nWide + nSeparation ) / 2 ) + nWide
      FOR nJ := 1 TO nMax( aSerieValues )
         DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nBottom-nDeep, nI - nWide , nPos, nI - nWide, COLOR_GREY41 )
         DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nBottom, nI-nDeep - nWide , nBottom-nDeep, nI - nWide, COLOR_GREY41 )
         nI += ( ( hmg_len( aSerieNames ) + 1 ) * ( nWide + nSeparation ) )

   // Bars

   IF nGraphType == BARS
      if nMin <> 0
         nPos := nLeft + ( ( nWide + nSeparation ) / 2 )
         FOR nI=1 TO HMG_LEN(aSerieValues[1])
            FOR nJ=1 TO HMG_LEN(aSerieNames)
               DrawBarInBitmap( hDC, nPos, nZero, aSerieValues[nJ,nI] / nMin + nDeep, nWide, l3DView, nDeep, aSerieColors[nJ] )
               nPos += nWide+nSeparation
            NEXT nJ
            nPos += nWide+nSeparation
         NEXT nI

   // Lines
   IF nGraphType == LINES
      if nMin <> 0
         nBarWidth  := ( nRight - nLeft ) / ( nMax(aSerieValues) + 1 )
         nPos := nLeft + nBarWidth
         FOR nI := 1 TO HMG_LEN(aSerieValues[1])
            FOR nJ=1 TO HMG_LEN(aSerieNames)
               IF !l3DView
                  DrawPointInBitmap( hDC, nGraphType, nPos, nZero, aSerieValues[nJ,nI] / nMin + nDeep, aSerieColors[nJ] )
               aPoint[nJ,nI,2] := nPos
               aPoint[nJ,nI,1] := nZero - ( aSerieValues[nJ,nI] / nMin + nDeep )
            NEXT nJ
            nPos += nBarWidth
         NEXT nI

         FOR nI := 1 TO HMG_LEN(aSerieValues[1])-1
            FOR nJ := 1 TO HMG_LEN(aSerieNames)
               IF l3DView
                  DrawPolygonInBitmap(hDC,{{aPoint[nJ,nI,1],aPoint[nJ,nI,2]},{aPoint[nJ,nI+1,1],aPoint[nJ,nI+1,2]}, ;
                              {aPoint[nJ,nI+1,1]-nDeep,aPoint[nJ,nI+1,2]+nDeep},{aPoint[nJ,nI,1]-nDeep,aPoint[nJ,nI,2]+nDeep}, ;
                  DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, aPoint[ nJ, nI, 1 ], aPoint[ nJ, nI, 2 ], aPoint[ nJ, nI+1, 1 ], aPoint[ nJ, nI + 1, 2 ], aSerieColors[ nJ ] )
            NEXT nJ
         NEXT nI


   // Points
   IF nGraphType == POINTS
      if nMin <> 0
         nBarWidth := ( nRight - nLeft ) / ( nMax(aSerieValues) + 1 )
         nPos := nLeft + nBarWidth
         FOR nI := 1 TO HMG_LEN(aSerieValues[1])
            FOR nJ=1 TO HMG_LEN(aSerieNames)
               DrawPointInBitmap( hDC, nGraphType, nPos, nZero, aSerieValues[nJ,nI] / nMin + nDeep, aSerieColors[nJ] )
               aPoint[nJ,nI,2] := nPos
               aPoint[nJ,nI,1] := nZero - aSerieValues[nJ,nI] / nMin
            NEXT nJ
            nPos += nBarWidth
         NEXT nI

   IF lShowValues
      IF nGraphType == BARS
         nPos := nLeft + nWide + ( ( nWide+nSeparation ) * ( HMG_LEN(aSerieNames) / 2 ) )
         nBarWidth := ( nRight - nLeft ) / ( nMax(aSerieValues) + 1 )
         nPos := nLeft + nBarWidth
      FOR nI := 1 TO HMG_LEN( aSerieValues[ 1 ] )
         FOR nJ := 1 TO HMG_LEN( aSerieNames )
            DrawTextInBitmap( hDC, nZero - ( aSerieValues[nJ,nI] / nMin + nDeep + 18 ), IF(nGraphType == BARS, nPos - IF(l3DView, 44, 46), nPos + 10), Transform( aSerieValues[ nJ, nI ], cPicture ), 'Arial', 8 )
            nPos+= IF( nGraphType == BARS, nWide + nSeparation, 0 )
         NEXT nJ
         IF nGraphType == BARS
            nPos += nWide + nSeparation
            nPos += nBarWidth
      NEXT nI

   IF l3DView
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nZero, nLeft-nDeep, nZero, nRight-nDeep, BLACK )
      IF nXMax<>0 .AND. nXMin<>0
         DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nZero-1, nLeft-2, nZero-1, nRight, RED )


   BT_DeleteDC( BTstruct )

RETURN hBitmap

FUNCTION HMG_PieGraph( nWidth, nHeight, aSerieValues, aSerieNames, aSerieColors, cTitle, aTitleColor, nDepth, l3DView, lShowXValues, lShowLegends, lNoBorder )
   LOCAL fromrow := 0
   LOCAL fromcol := 0
   LOCAL torow := nHeight
   LOCAL tocol := nWidth
   LOCAL topleftrow
   LOCAL topleftcol
   LOCAL toprightrow
   LOCAL toprightcol
   LOCAL bottomrightrow
   LOCAL bottomrightcol
   LOCAL bottomleftrow
   LOCAL bottomleftcol
   LOCAL middletopcol
   LOCAL middleleftrow
   LOCAL middleleftcol
   LOCAL middlebottomcol
   LOCAL middlerightrow
   LOCAL middlerightcol
   LOCAL fromradialrow
   LOCAL fromradialcol
   LOCAL toradialrow
   LOCAL toradialcol
   LOCAL degrees := {}
   LOCAL cumulative := {}
   LOCAL j,i,sum := 0
   LOCAL shadowcolor
   LOCAL previos_cumulative
   LOCAL hDC, hBitmap, BTStruct

         nWidth         AS NUMERIC   ,;
         nHeight        AS NUMERIC   ,;
         aSerieValues   AS ARRAY     ,;
         aSerieNames    AS ARRAY     ,;
         aSerieColors   AS ARRAY     ,;
         cTitle         AS CHARACTER ,;
         aTitleColor    AS ARRAY     ,;
         nDepth         AS NUMERIC   ,;
         l3DView        AS LOGICAL   ,;
         lShowXValues   AS LOGICAL   ,;
         lShowLegends   AS LOGICAL   ,;
         lNoBorder      AS LOGICAL

   hBitmap := BT_BitmapCreateNew ( nWidth, nHeight, WHITE )
   hDC := BT_CreateDC( hBitmap, BT_HDC_BITMAP, @BTStruct )

   if ! lNoBorder

      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, torow  ,fromcol  ,torow  ,tocol  ,WHITE)
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, torow-1,fromcol+1,torow-1,tocol-1,GRAY )
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, torow-1,fromcol  ,fromrow  ,fromcol  ,GRAY )
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, torow-2,fromcol+1,fromrow+1,fromcol+1,GRAY )
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, fromrow  ,fromcol  ,fromrow  ,tocol-1,GRAY )
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, fromrow+1,fromcol+1,fromrow+1,tocol-2,GRAY )
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, fromrow  ,tocol  ,torow  ,tocol  ,WHITE)
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, fromrow  ,tocol-1,torow-1,tocol-1,GRAY )


   if HMG_LEN(ALLTRIM(cTitle)) > 0
      DrawTextInBitmap( hDC, fromrow + 10, iif(HMG_LEN(ALLTRIM(cTitle)) * 12 > (tocol - fromcol),fromcol,int(((tocol - fromcol) - (HMG_LEN(ALLTRIM(cTitle)) * 12))/2) + fromcol), ALLTRIM(cTitle), 'Arial', 12, aTitleColor )
      fromrow := fromrow + 40

   if lShowLegends
      if HMG_LEN(aSerieNames) * 20 > (torow - fromrow)
         msginfo("No space for showing legends")
         torow := torow - (HMG_LEN(aSerieNames) * 20)

   DrawRectInBitmap( hDC, fromrow + 10, fromcol + 10, torow - 10, tocol - 10, WHITE )

   if l3DView
      torow := torow - nDepth

   fromcol := fromcol + 25
   tocol := tocol - 25
   torow := torow - 25
   fromrow := fromrow + 25

   topleftrow := fromrow
   topleftcol := fromcol
   toprightrow := fromrow
   toprightcol := tocol
   bottomrightrow := torow
   bottomrightcol := tocol
   bottomleftrow := torow
   bottomleftcol := fromcol
   middletopcol := fromcol + int(tocol - fromcol) / 2
   middleleftrow := fromrow + int(torow - fromrow) / 2
   middleleftcol := fromcol
   middlebottomcol := fromcol + int(tocol - fromcol) / 2
   middlerightrow := fromrow + int(torow - fromrow) / 2
   middlerightcol := tocol

   torow := torow + 1
   tocol := tocol + 1

   for i := 1 to HMG_LEN(aSerieValues)
      sum := sum + aSerieValues[i]
   next i
   for i := 1 to HMG_LEN(aSerieValues)
      aadd(degrees,Round(aSerieValues[i]/sum * 360,0))
   next i
   sum := 0
   for i := 1 to HMG_LEN(degrees)
      sum := sum + degrees[i]
   next i
   if sum <> 360
      degrees[HMG_LEN(degrees)] := degrees[HMG_LEN(degrees)] + (360 - sum)

   sum := 0
   for i := 1 to HMG_LEN(degrees)
      sum := sum + degrees[i]
   next i

   previos_cumulative := -1

   fromradialrow := middlerightrow
   fromradialcol := middlerightcol
   for i := 1 to HMG_LEN(cumulative)

      if cumulative[i] == previos_cumulative

      previos_cumulative := cumulative[i]

      shadowcolor := {iif(aSerieColors[i,1] > 50,aSerieColors[i,1] - 50,0),iif(aSerieColors[i,2] > 50,aSerieColors[i,2] - 50,0),iif(aSerieColors[i,3] > 50,aSerieColors[i,3] - 50,0)}

      do case
         case cumulative[i] <= 45
            toradialcol := middlerightcol
            toradialrow := middlerightrow - Round(cumulative[i] / 45 * (middlerightrow - toprightrow),0)
            fromradialrow := toradialrow
            fromradialcol := toradialcol
         case cumulative[i] <= 90 .and. cumulative[i] > 45
            toradialrow := toprightrow
            toradialcol := toprightcol - Round((cumulative[i] - 45) / 45 * (toprightcol - middletopcol),0)
            fromradialrow := toradialrow
            fromradialcol := toradialcol
         case cumulative[i] <= 135 .and. cumulative[i] > 90
            toradialrow := topleftrow
            toradialcol := middletopcol - Round((cumulative[i] - 90) / 45 * (middletopcol - topleftcol),0)
            fromradialrow := toradialrow
            fromradialcol := toradialcol
         case cumulative[i] <= 180 .and. cumulative[i] > 135
            toradialcol := topleftcol
            toradialrow := topleftrow + Round((cumulative[i] - 135) / 45 * (middleleftrow - topleftrow),0)
            fromradialrow := toradialrow
            fromradialcol := toradialcol
         case cumulative[i] <= 225 .and. cumulative[i] > 180
            toradialcol := topleftcol
            toradialrow := middleleftrow + Round((cumulative[i] - 180) / 45 * (bottomleftrow - middleleftrow),0)
            if l3DView
               for j := 1 to nDepth
                  DrawArcInBitmap(hDC,fromrow + j,fromcol,torow+j,tocol,fromradialrow+j,fromradialcol,toradialrow+j,toradialcol,shadowcolor)
               next j
            fromradialrow := toradialrow
            fromradialcol := toradialcol
         case cumulative[i] <= 270 .and. cumulative[i] > 225
            toradialrow := bottomleftrow
            toradialcol := bottomleftcol + Round((cumulative[i] - 225) / 45 * (middlebottomcol - bottomleftcol),0)
            if l3DView
               for j := 1 to nDepth
                  DrawArcInBitmap(hDC,fromrow + j,fromcol,torow+j,tocol,fromradialrow+j,fromradialcol,toradialrow+j,toradialcol,shadowcolor)
               next j
            fromradialrow := toradialrow
            fromradialcol := toradialcol
         case cumulative[i] <= 315 .and. cumulative[i] > 270
            toradialrow := bottomleftrow
            toradialcol := middlebottomcol + Round((cumulative[i] - 270) / 45 * (bottomrightcol - middlebottomcol),0)
            if l3DView
               for j := 1 to nDepth
                  DrawArcInBitmap(hDC,fromrow + j,fromcol,torow+j,tocol,fromradialrow+j,fromradialcol,toradialrow+j,toradialcol,shadowcolor)
               next j
            fromradialrow := toradialrow
            fromradialcol := toradialcol
         case cumulative[i] <= 360 .and. cumulative[i] > 315
            toradialcol := bottomrightcol
            toradialrow := bottomrightrow - Round((cumulative[i] - 315) / 45 * (bottomrightrow - middlerightrow),0)
            if l3DView
               for j := 1 to nDepth
                  DrawArcInBitmap(hDC,fromrow + j,fromcol,torow+j,tocol,fromradialrow+j,fromradialcol,toradialrow+j,toradialcol,shadowcolor)
               next j
            fromradialrow := toradialrow
            fromradialcol := toradialcol
      if l3DView
         DrawLineInBitmap(hDC, middleleftrow, middleleftcol, middleleftrow+nDepth, middleleftcol, BLACK )
         DrawLineInBitmap(hDC, middlerightrow, middlerightcol, middlerightrow+nDepth, middlerightcol, BLACK )
         DrawArcInBitmap(hDC,fromrow + nDepth,fromcol,torow + nDepth,tocol,middleleftrow+nDepth,middleleftcol,middlerightrow+nDepth,middlerightcol )
   next i
   if lShowLegends
      fromrow := torow + 20 + iif(l3DView,nDepth,0)
      for i := 1 to HMG_LEN(aSerieNames)
         DrawRectInBitmap(hDC, fromrow, fromcol, fromrow + 15, fromcol + 15, aSerieColors[ i ] )
         DrawTextInBitmap( hDC, fromrow, fromcol + 20, aSerieNames[i]+iif(lShowXValues," - "+ALLTRIM(Str(aSerieValues[i],19,2))+" ("+ALLTRIM(Str(degrees[i] / 360 * 100,6,2))+" %)",""), 'Arial', 8, aSerieColors[i] )
         fromrow := fromrow + 20
      next i

   BT_DeleteDC( BTstruct )

RETURN hBitmap


PROCEDURE DrawWindowBoxInBitmap( hDC, row, col, rowr, colr, nPenWidth )
   BT_DrawRectangle ( hDC, Row, Col, Colr - col, rowr - row, BLACK, nPenWidth )

PROCEDURE DrawRectInBitmap( hDC, row, col, row1, col1, aColor, nPenWidth )
   BT_DrawFillRectangle (hDC, Row, Col, col1 - col, row1 - row, aColor, aColor, nPenWidth )

PROCEDURE DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, Row1, Col1, Row2, Col2, aColor, nPenWidth )
   BT_DrawLine ( hDC, Row1, Col1, Row2, Col2, aColor, nPenWidth )

PROCEDURE DrawTextInBitmap( hDC, Row, Col, cText, cFontName, nFontSize, aColor, nAlign )
   default nAlign := 0
   do case
   case nAlign == 0
      BT_DrawText ( hDC, Row, Col, cText, cFontName, nFontSize, aColor )
   case nAlign == 1
      BT_DrawText ( hDC, Row, Col, cText, cFontName, nFontSize, aColor, , , BT_TEXT_RIGHT )
   case nAlign == 2
      BT_DrawText ( hDC, Row, Col, cText, cFontName, nFontSize, aColor, , , BT_TEXT_CENTER )

PROCEDURE DrawPointInBitmap( hDC, nGraphType, nY, nX, nHigh, aColor )
   IF nGraphType == POINTS
      DrawCircleInBitmap( hDC, nX - nHigh - 3, nY - 3, 8, aColor )
   ELSEIF nGraphType == LINES
      DrawCircleInBitmap( hDC, nX - nHigh - 2, nY - 2, 6, aColor )

PROCEDURE DrawCircleInBitmap( hDC, nCol, nRow, nWidth, aColor, nPenWidth )
   BT_DrawFillEllipse( hDC, nCol, nRow, nWidth, nWidth, aColor, aColor, nPenWidth)

PROCEDURE DrawBarInBitmap( hDC, nY, nX, nHigh, nWidth, l3DView, nDeep, aColor )
   LOCAL nColTop, nShadow, nShadow2, nH := nHigh
   local lGradient := .f.
   nColTop := ClrShadow( RGB(aColor[1],aColor[2],aColor[3]), 20 )  // Tenia 15      Color arriba de la barra
   nShadow := ClrShadow( nColTop, 20 )  // Tenia 15      Color del costado de la barra
   nShadow2 := ClrShadow( nColTop, 40 ) // Añadido para el Gradiente
   nColTop := {GetRed(nColTop),GetGreen(nColTop),GetBlue(nColTop)}
   nShadow := {GetRed(nShadow),GetGreen(nShadow),GetBlue(nShadow)}
   nShadow2 := {GetRed(nShadow2),GetGreen(nShadow2),GetBlue(nShadow2)} // Añadido para el Gradiente
   if lGradient
      BT_DrawGradientFillVertical( hDC, nX+nDeep-nHigh, nY, nWidth+1, nHigh-nDeep, aColor, nShadow2 )   // Barra Front con Gradiente
      BT_DrawFillRectangle (hDC, nX+nDeep-nHigh, nY, nWidth + 1, nHigh-nDeep, aColor, aColor, 1)
   	&& FOR nI=1 TO nWidth
      	&& DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nX, nY+nI, nX+nDeep-nHigh, nY+nI, aColor )  							// Front
      && NEXT nI   
   IF l3DView
      // Lateral
      DrawPolygonInBitmap( hDC,{{nX-1,nY+nWidth+1},{nX+nDeep-nHigh,nY+nWidth+1},;
               {nX-1,nY+nWidth+1}},nShadow,,nShadow )
      // Superior
      nHigh   := Max( nHigh, nDeep )
      DrawPolygonInBitmap( hDC,{{nX-nHigh+nDeep,nY+1},{nX-nHigh+nDeep,nY+nWidth+1},;
               {nX-nHigh+nDeep,nY+1}},nColTop,,nColTop )
      // Border
      DrawBoxInBitmap( hDC, nY, nX, nH, nWidth, l3DView, nDeep )

PROCEDURE DrawArcInBitmap(hDC,row,col,row1,col1,rowr,colr,rowr1,colr1,penrgb,penwidth)
   if ValType(penrgb) == "U"
      penrgb = BLACK
   if ValType(penwidth) == "U"
      penwidth = 1
   BT_DrawArc (hDC, row, col, row1, col1, rowr, colr, rowr1, colr1, penrgb, penwidth)

PROCEDURE DrawPieInBitmap(hDC,row,col,row1,col1,rowr,colr,rowr1,colr1,penrgb,penwidth,fillrgb)
   if ValType(penrgb) == "U"
      penrgb = BLACK
   if ValType(penwidth) == "U"
      penwidth = 1
   if ValType(fillrgb) == "U"
      fillrgb := WHITE
   BT_DrawPie (hDC, row, col, row1, col1, rowr, colr, rowr1, colr1, penrgb, penwidth, fillrgb)

PROCEDURE DrawPolygonInBitmap( hDC, apoints, penrgb, penwidth, fillrgb )
   LOCAL xarr := {}
   LOCAL yarr := {}
   LOCAL x
   if ValType(penrgb) == "U"
      penrgb = BLACK
   if ValType(penwidth) == "U"
      penwidth = 1
   if ValType(fillrgb) == "U"
      fillrgb := WHITE
   for x := 1 to HMG_LEN(apoints)
   next x
   BT_DrawPolygon ( hDC, yarr, xarr, penrgb, penwidth, fillrgb )

PROCEDURE DrawBoxInBitmap( hDC, nY, nX, nHigh, nWidth, l3DView, nDeep )

   // Set Border
   DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nX, nY        , nX-nHigh+nDeep    , nY       , BLACK )  // LEFT
   DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nX, nY+nWidth , nX-nHigh+nDeep    , nY+nWidth, BLACK )  // RIGHT
   DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nX-nHigh+nDeep, nY, nX-nHigh+nDeep, nY+nWidth, BLACK )  // Top
   DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nX, nY, nX, nY+nWidth, BLACK )                          // Bottom
   IF l3DView
      // Set shadow
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nX-nHigh+nDeep, nY+nWidth, nX-nHigh, nY+nDeep+nWidth, BLACK )
      DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nX, nY+nWidth, nX-nDeep, nY+nWidth+nDeep, BLACK )
      IF nHigh > 0
         DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nX-nDeep, nY+nWidth+nDeep, nX-nHigh, nY+nWidth+nDeep, BLACK )
         DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nX-nHigh, nY+nDeep, nX-nHigh , nY+nWidth+nDeep, BLACK )
         DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nX-nHigh+nDeep, nY, nX-nHigh, nY+nDeep, BLACK )
         DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nX-nDeep, nY+nWidth+nDeep, nX-nHigh+1, nY+nWidth+nDeep, BLACK )
         DrawLineInBitmap( hDC, nX, nY, nX-nDeep, nY+nDeep, BLACK )


FUNCTION ClrShadow( nColor, nFactor )

   aHSL := RGB2HSL( GetRed(nColor), GetGreen(nColor), GetBlue(nColor) )
   aHSL[3] -= nFactor
   aRGB := HSL2RGB( aHSL[1], aHSL[2], aHSL[3] )

RETURN RGB( aRGB[1], aRGB[2], aRGB[3] )




// 3 params numerics


   LOCAL nMax, nMin, nDelta
   LOCAL nH, nS, nL

   nR := nR / 255
   nG := nG / 255
   nB := nB / 255
   nMax := Max( nR, Max( nG, nB ) )
   nMin := Min( nR, Min( nG, nB ) )
   nDelta := nMax - nMin

#else  // PARAM_IS_ARRAY

// 1 param array rgb


   LOCAL nMax, nMin, nDelta
   LOCAL nH, nS, nL, nR, nG, nB

   nR := aRGB[1] / 255
   nG := aRGB[2] / 255
   nB := aRGB[3] / 255
   nMax := Max( nR, Max( nG, nB ) )
   nMin := Min( nR, Min( nG, nB ) )
   nDelta := nMax - nMin


  // Calcular nH hue
   IF nDelta == 0
      nH := 0

   // Red = nMax
   ELSEIF ( nMax == nR )
      nH := (( nG - nB) / nDelta) % 6

   // Green = nMax
   ELSEIF ( nMax == nG )
      nH := (nB - nR) / nDelta + 2;

   // Blue = nMax
      nH := (nR - nG) / nDelta + 4;


   nH := Int( nH * 60 )

   // Cambiar hues negativos en positivos. 360°
   IF ( nH < 0 )
      nH += 360

   // Calcular nL lightness
   nL := ( nMax + nMin ) / 2

   // Calcular nS saturation
   nS := iif( nDelta == 0, 0, nDelta / ( 1 - Abs( 2 * nL - 1 )) )

   nS := nS * 100
   nL := nL * 100

   RETURN { nH, nS, nL }



// 3 params numerics


   LOCAL nR := 0, nG := 0, nB := 0, c, x, m

   // c = is color intensity, chroma
   // x = the second largest component (first is chroma)
   // m = the amount to add to each channel to match the lightness

   nS /= 100
   nL /= 100

#else  // PARAM_IS_ARRAY

// 1 param array rgb


   LOCAL nR := 0, nG := 0, nB := 0, nH, nS, nL, c, x, m
   c = es la intensida del color, chroma.
   x = segundo componente mayor, primero es chroma.
   m = cantidad a agregar a cada canal para conseguir lightness

   nH := aHSL[1]
   nS := aHSL[2] / 100
   nL := aHSL[3] / 100


   c := ( 1 - Abs( 2 * nL - 1 ) ) * nS
   x := c * ( 1 - Abs( ( nH / 60 ) % 2 - 1 ) )
   m := nL - c / 2

   IF (0 <= nH .And. nH < 60)
      nR := c
      nG := x
      nB := 0
   ELSEIF (60 <= nH .And. nH < 120)
      nR := x
      nG := c
      nB := 0
   ELSEIF (120 <= nH .And. nH < 180)
      nR := 0
      nG := c
      nB := x
   ELSEIF (180 <= nH .And. nH < 240)
      nR := 0
      nG := x
      nB := c
   ELSEIF (240 <= nH .And. nH < 300)
      nR := x
      nG := 0
      nB := c
   ELSEIF (300 <= nH .And. nH < 360)
      nR := c
      nG := 0
      nB := x

   nR := Int( ( nR + m ) * 255 )
   nG := Int( ( nG + m ) * 255 )
   nB := Int( ( nB + m ) * 255 )

   RETURN { nR, nG, nB }


STATIC FUNCTION nMax(aSerieValues)
   LOCAL nI, nMax := 0

   FOR nI :=1 TO HMG_LEN( aSerieValues )
      nMax := Max( HMG_LEN(aSerieValues[nI]), nMax )
   NEXT nI

RETURN( nMax )

   LOCAL nE, nMax, nMan, nVal, nOffset



      nMax := 10**nE

      IF Int(nNum/nMax)>0

         nVal := (Int(nNum/nMax)+nOffset)*nMax




East or West HMG is the Best.
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Re: Fix: Graph using Bos Taurus

Post by fouednoomen »

Many thanks radhi
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Re: Fix: Graph using Bos Taurus

Post by Red2 »

Thank you Rathinagiri for the update.

Your post referenced "rebuild HMG":
Please change h_graphbitmap.prg with the following code and rebuild HMG.
Unfortunately I do not know how to "rebuild HMG".
Question: Could someone kindly help me with "how to" directions?

Thank you in advance,
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Re: Fix: Graph using Bos Taurus

Post by Rathinagiri »

After replacing run buildlib32.bat from hmg root folder.
East or West HMG is the Best.
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Re: Fix: Graph using Bos Taurus

Post by Red2 »

Thank you very much!
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Claudio Ricardo
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Re: Fix: Graph using Bos Taurus

Post by Claudio Ricardo »

Hi... what happen if two consecutive bars are similar values ? overlapping value numbers in graph ?
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Re: Fix: Graph using Bos Taurus

Post by Rathinagiri »

Claudio Ricardo wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 9:20 pm Hi... what happen if two consecutive bars are similar values ? overlapping value numbers in graph ?
Yes! Obviously. As a programmer, we should make either the digits to be shown lesser or we have to increase the width of the graph.
East or West HMG is the Best.
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Re: Fix: Graph using Bos Taurus

Post by Claudio Ricardo »

Hi ... I thought this post was the answer to a request from Emzampi a month ago asking for the option to put the text vertically,
if it was displayed inside the bar it would solve the cut or overlap of the adjacent bar.
I understand it is solved with wider bars or abbreviating the numbers for example removing the decimals or directly not showing the values.
I will replace the original library ... Thank you very much Rathinagiri.
Pd This time help me with Google translator XD
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Re: Fix: Graph using Bos Taurus

Post by Rathinagiri »

Yes. What you are saying is correct! Writing vertical can solve the problem. :)
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Re: Fix: Graph using Bos Taurus

Post by srvet_claudio »

Great work my Friend!
Best regards.
Dr. Claudio Soto
(from Uruguay)
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